Eurasian Conformity (EAC) certification demonstrates that your products meet the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)’s regulations and standards for customs clearance and trading. An EAC mark is essential if you intend to sell consumer products and industrial equipment into the EAEU. It demonstrates compliance with health and safety legislation and allows you to sell to a market of nearly 200,000 consumers across Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Russia.
EAC certification agencies: multiple
IEC CB certificate/report: Depends
Factory inspection: Yes for CoC, no for DoC
Local representative: Yes
Certificate validity: 5 years with annual maintenance
Sample requirement: Yes for CoC, no for DoC
Document checklist: Russian manual, technical drawings, product specification and others
Lead time: 3-9 weeks
Certification procedure:
—>Application submission
—>Document review
—>Facotry inspection if applicable
—>Sample local testing if applicable
—>Draft certificate review
—>Issue of EAC certificate
EAC marking requirements: yes
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